Clean Water Volunteer Needed for the Watershed Action Alliance


The Watershed Action Alliance is looking for some talented volunteers to help with important work in protecting the water resources of southeastern Massachusetts. If you have skills in the following areas and would like to do some meaningful fun work, this could be a great fit for you!
media outreach to local and regional newspapers.

1)  Excellent phone/communications skills and strong administration skills.
2) Research and writing about local watershed issues. We will be creating a series of ‘did you know’ brief writeups for the papers and for our blog and Facebook pages that describe watershed related information about southeastern Massachusetts. We will also be writing a series of issue-based fact sheets.
3) Support in setting up presentations about watershed issues to venues such as churches, garden clubs, cable tv stations.
4) Help in organizing volunteer days for the local watershed organizations, for which we can post event happenings to your site and many others.

If interested, contact:

Jill Buchanan
Watershed Action Alliance Outreach Coordinator


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